Well, because the night before, I had won an Emmy ... are if they get a diagnosis like that." Julia Louis-Dreyfus Learned She Had Breast Cancer Day After Historic Emmys Win She said she was ...
Emmy-winner Julia Louis-Dreyfus has breast ... HBO told PEOPLE in a statement that Louis-Dreyfus learned she had breast cancer just one day after the awards, and noted that the production ...
"Seinfeld" star Julia Louis ... window as a result." Louis-Dreyfus, known for her work on shows like "Saturday Night Live," ...
Juliet is your community news reporter covering the South Coast of Santa Barbara County. Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus was among a group of environmentalists, elected officials, and community ...
Webber was sitting courtside with famous Emmy winner Julia Louis ... dating back to before the NBA All-Star break. But at least it went far better than the time that Louis-Dreyfus (or at least ...
An impassioned Julia Louis-Dreyfus took to the stage at the Environmental ... protect the California coast from another oil spill. After the rally hundreds of environmentalists and Sable workers ...