Here's a 1st look at Sonic

Justice League Unlimited has me excited about DC's premiere super-team for the first time since Grant Morrison left the JLA ...
Today, we look at how Justice League Task Force went from being a Mission: Impossible-style series to being a book about teaching young superheroes how to be heroes. In 1992, Keith Giffen and ...
The best way to describe Justice League International is that it’s basically the MCU set in the 1980s. The book is heavy on humor and character development, living and dying on the strength of ...
The message it's sending to us is clear: This is not that "lighter" take on Justice League Warner Bros. once tried to deliver by way of Joss Whedon. This is Snyder's darker, grittier vision ...
Captain Atom takes a desperate trip down memory lane while the Atom Project faces internal strife in Justice League: The Atom ...