A top academic has returned to China as a professor at the new Shanghai Institute for Mathematics and Interdisciplinary Sciences Acclaimed Chinese-American mathematician Huaxin Lin has returned to ...
In operator algebras we are particularly interested in $\mathsf{C}^*$-algebra theory and its connections to other areas such as dynamical systems, group theory, topology, non-commutative geometry, and ...
Via dimension conditions and index theory techniques we will exploit connections to operator algebras and coarse geometry. Via assembly maps in algebraic K- and L-theory we will develop ...
There are only two rules which create the basis of the algebra. The first rule is the NOT operation, or negation. Mathematically this is: Physically, a normally open (NO) switch and a normally ...
His research interests are in operator algebras, K-theory, and dynamical systems, which are linked through the study of noncommutative topological spaces. He has published over 15 articles in these ...