How do you get images downlinked from 30 km up? Hams might guess SSTV — slow scan TV — and that’s the approach ...
[ombates] shares a step-by-step method for making a conductive bio-string from scratch, no fancy equipment required. She ...
This week, researchers from Wiz Research released a series of vulnerabilities in the Kubernetes Ingress NGINX Controller ...
The sun is our planet’s source of natural illumination, and though we’ve mastered making artificial light sources, it remains ...
It doesn’t matter if its a Vespa or a Peterbilt truck — if you ignore the maintenance needs of your vehicle, you do so at ...
Scanning a film negative is as simple as holding it up against a light source and photographing the result. But should you ...
Back in the early 1900s, before calculators lived in our pockets, crunching numbers was painstaking work. Adding machines existed, but they weren’t exactly convenient nor cheap. Enter Vilin ...
It might not be Pi Day anymore, but Elliot and Dan got together for the approximately 100*Pi-th episode of the Podcast to run through the week’s coolest hacks. Ultrasound seemed to be one of ...
When we think of 8-bit computers, it’s natural to start with home computers. That’s where they live on in the collective memory. But a Z80, a 6502, or similar was more likely to be ...
Suppose that you want to get rid of a whole lot of mosquitoes with a quadcopter drone by chopping them up in the rotor blades. If you had really good eyesight and pretty amazing piloting skills, ...
The cartridge based game consoles of decades ago had a relatively simple modus operandi — they would run a program stored in ...
Raspberry Pi publicly announced the release of their new rpi-image-gen tool, which is advertised as making custom Raspberry ...