A Slightly Isolated Dog’s new work Jekyll and Hyde builds on their previous work and a classical story and gives their audience the rare opportunity to truly play. I’m standing in the furnace that is ...
It wasn’t easy, making a cunnilingus mix. No sooner had I started than an uncomfortable truth settled: few songs qualified, and I had to scrape and dig for ones that did. I also had to wade through a ...
Amie is Pou Tuku Pūtea / Head of Funding at Irirangi Te Motu / NZ On Air, an independent government funding agency delivering public media to local audiences. Alongside Rachel Trow, she is the ...
We are proudly independent, committed to fair pay for contributors, and to commissioning work that meaningfully contributes to the conversations our nation is having. This work is made possible ...
But Spirit House is not that play.It’s quite consciously not that play, but suffers instead from problems of its own design. Set in parallel decades, it follows two artists in the same house – a ...
Stacey Teague (Ngāti Maniapoto/Ngāpuhi) is a writer, editor and teacher living in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Rebecca Hawkes is a poet and painter living in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. Her first book Meat Lovers, a ...
The Pantograph Punch is proudly independent. Our work is only possible through a mixture of grants, donations, our Pals, and partnerships with likeminded arts organisations and businesses. Become a ...