States' Rights To Protect Their Communities From Pesticides Are Threatened by State Legislation and EPA Rulemaking Petition ...
QR codes are inherently discriminatory to the poor, the elderly, the rural and minorities. Half of low-income people do NOT have smartphones Almost half of rural Americans do NOT own a smartphone[i] ...
CFS Comments to EPA Re: Current approach to the oversight of various products regulated as pesticides by EPA or new animal drugs by FDA ...
Photo credit: Group of sandhill cranes. Photo by Patrick Myers, National Park Service. WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Trump administration has proposed to approve genetically engineered crops on national ...
California’s recent drought has exposed deep problems with the state’s water infrastructure and sharpened conflicts over the state’s limited water supply, particularly between agriculture, ecosystems, ...
As a result of our lawsuit, the Court rules FDA failed to analyze risks to endangered wild salmon and the environment. SEATTLE—Today, Center for Food Safety (CFS) and Coalition to Protect Puget Sound ...
There are no labeling or disclosure requirements for food grown in sewage sludge. However, some companies, such as Heinz and Del Monte, prohibit the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer for their ...
RT @protesterrabbit: Always buy seeds or use your own from previous year. I get mine from Mother Nature of Powell River, B.C. ! https://t.c… The legal battle around #chlorpyrifos continues. The 9th ...
Despite public outcry and Congressional action, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals and their offspring in January of 2008. In the guidance, ...
Center for Food Safety's mission is to empower people, support farmers, and protect the earth from the harmful impacts of industrial agriculture. Through groundbreaking legal, scientific, and ...
Nanotechnology is a powerful but novel platform for taking apart and reconstructing nature at the atomic and molecular level with important human and environmental health ramifications. Common ...
RT @protesterrabbit: Always buy seeds or use your own from previous year. I get mine from Mother Nature of Powell River, B.C. ! https://t.c… The legal battle around #chlorpyrifos continues. The 9th ...