Below are a few examples of Likert scales: One of the questions that arises when discussing Likert scales is how many values ...
Questions included single- and multiple-answer options and Likert-scale ratings ... White (63.5 percent); 15.5 percent and 14.4 percent as Hispanic and non-Hispanic Black, respectively; 4.9 percent as ...
"We also continue to focus on expanding our presence in the highly attractive Enterprise skills market at a time where Pearson can play an important role in helping bridge the critical skills gap that ...
These 11 descriptors of breathing discomfort were included as items in the SOB-HF instrument, with each descriptor rated on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly ...
The question about adherence to the RUG ground rules (Q22, see online supplementary appendix 1) was a single item Likert-type scale; therefore, a non-parametric approach was taken (Kendall τ rank ...
Staff confidence in managing emergencies was assessed before and after the training using a 1–5 Likert scale for the following questions: that you possess the skills and knowledge to assess and treat ...
1 Department of Community and Family Medicine ... 17). All the surveys used a 5-point Likert scale, mostly to measure respondents’ attitudes about various aspects of patient safety. Two (SLOAPS and ...
There were high levels of adherence in the delivery: overall adherence was two (maximum 2, IQR 1.67–2.00), facilitator competence exhibited more variability, and overall competence was 1.5 (maximum ..
Device treatment perception was assessed at 1-hr post-stimulation using a 1-5 Likert rating scale (1=very confident it is not real stimulation, 2=somewhat confident it is not real stimulation, 3=not ...
This article explores research (designed and implemented by Emma Weitkamp) that tested the capacity of one example of ‘medical performance ... indicate their agreement (on a five-point Likert-like ...