The Angels', Rangers' and Astros' New Era Overlap hats that feature a mashup of the teams' logos have been pulled from stores ...
New Era has already pulled three MLB teams’ new hats off shelves after the "Overlap" design caused some unintended ...
The internet had some fun with the freshly released New Era 'Overlap' hat collection Monday. The concept behind the ...
Take, for example, the Texas Rangers hat. By superimposing the Rangers’ “T” logo over its “Texas” wordmark, the hat appeared ...
The Texas Rangers, Los Angeles Angels and Houston Astros have each had their hats from the latest New Era collection pulled because of logos that appear to have ...
Some baseball fans are getting big bucks online for MLB hats with rather provocative design flaws. Here's what happened.
Owner of Sterling Heights, Rochester and Pontiac locations talks about Visiting Angels successful support of the Alzheimer’s ...
The MLB regular season will start soon, which means a slew of new merchandise and hats are being released. That includes a ...
An embarrassing oversight seemingly forced New Era to pull the Texas Rangers’ new cap design for their Overlap 5950 collection.
New Era, long the sole supplier of MLB caps, released - and pulled - an "Overlap" design that transforms teams' names into humorous phrases.
The Texas Rangers ballcap that reads "TETAS" which refers to a woman's boobs, has been ofifically pulled from the shelves.
And this is all a little reminiscent of when the Oakland Athletics accidentally released a hat that had the word “Ass” ...