The new fire hazard severity zone maps issued by Cal Fire this week are part of a two-month statewide rollout.
A state of emergency was declared by New York Governor Kathy Hochul, and around 100 fire companies were reportedly deployed.
A strong storm driving gusty winds and dry air across a parched landscape was fueling dangerous fire conditions across a wide ...
Aaron Ward, a meteorologist with the Weather Service office in Amarillo said visibility was “nearly zero” in the greater ...
Pre-evacuations and evacuations for the Meridian Fire have been lifted, according to the El Paso County Sheriff's Office.
Crews were responding to a grass fire east of the Colorado Springs Airport Thursday afternoon, according to the Colorado ...
The Colorado Springs Fire Department said after 2 p.m. that it was responding to the fire, which is being called the Meridian ...
Winter storms brought some moisture back to the northern Colorado mountains, with snow that will melt and recharge the ...
Xcel is warning about a likely Public Safety Power Shutoff for some Texas and Eastern New Mexico customers on Friday.
Oh, look. Another instance of running the government like a business! An American Airlines plane caught fire at Denver International Airport in Colorado yesterday. Via ABC News: ...
As Loren Russell, Durango Fire Protection District’s wildfire mitigation specialist, walks around a La Plata County home, he ...
Smoke was reported in and around Denver, Colorado, on Saturday. The smoke is a result of prescribed fire activity at the ...