Susan Morrison’s Lorne Michaels biography is likely to stand as one of the most substantial works to emerge about our ...
The Disney division has picked up the Hawaii-set crime thriller package that has Leonardo DiCaprio, Dwayne Johnson and Emily ...
Dismissed as shlock, B-movies had the freedom to crank out insane scripts full of kooky and transgressive ideas, making it no ...
Led by a cast that includes Paul Rudd, Jenna Ortega, Richard E. Grant and Will Poulter, this so-so horror-comedy is marred by ...
Leonardo DiCaprio plays a revolutionary looking for his daughter in the trailer for Paul Thomas Anderson's One Battle After ...
Some of the most amusing and iconic characters in cinematic history happen to show up the least in their respective films.
The 1980s have a reputation for producing some truly great and cheesy horror movies, but some of them actually had A+ ideas and writing.