There is a famous cartoon of a publisher explaining to Jane Austen while they like the plot of her novel, she will have to ...
"This show is so completely wonderful and unadulterated fun that it is difficult to resist doing nothing more than listing ...
Joe Wright's PRIDE AND PREJUDICE will return to theaters beginning April 20 to celebrate the movie's 20th anniversary.
The phrase appeared on thousands of pages unrelated to Jane Austen before and during her life – and was a favorite phrase of ...
Mention Pride and Prejudice to many people and they’re likely to immediately picture Colin Firth emerging from a lake in the BBC adaptation of ...
We experienced an evening of fun, frivolity and flimsy white shirts at the boozy Austen adaptation Plied And Prejudice.
Focus Features announced Thursday that the 2005 adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice," starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen, will be re-released in theaters April 20.