The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is suing FEMA for access to grant money that was frozen "unlawfully," CPB claims.
Digital Alert Systems DASDEC provides redundancy and regional capabilities for emergency messaging.
LYNDONVILLE, N.Y. —Nebraska Public Media is deploying the Digital Alert Systems DASDEC Emergency Alert System (EAS) messaging ...
The upgrade is a direct result of the after-action review of the Point Place tornado and is a "new and improved" version of ...
which he found to be more reliable than the notices he got through a wireless emergency alert system. “If anything, we’ve learned that we can embrace technology in smarter ways and build trust ...
The system, originally known as the Emergency Action Notification System ... In 1997, the system was upgraded and renamed the Emergency Alert system, and in 2018 the government conducted its ...
“FEMA’s hold on these funds is arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, in violation of law, and undermines the emergency alert system relied ... any other adverse action with respect ...
We can see just how a disruption or a delay in notifications can literally lead to death for some,” one lawmaker says.