We disapprove the referee’s recommended sanction of a 91-day suspension,” the Florida Supreme Court ruled, adding: "[W]e find ...
Paul Ingrassia, an attorney currently working as the White House liaison to the Department of Homeland Security, has drawn controversy over the years for his outspoken views, but may find himself in ...
The building collapse was probably not at all due to financial conditions or lack of reserves.” — Margaret Rolando, ...
Coverage through JALA’s professional insurance also makes it easier for volunteer attorneys to take a case outside of their ...
The panel offered an opportunity for Sarasota attorneys to question law enforcement about how they handle domestic violence ...
The Trump administration is closely scrutinizing the legal industry: Find all our ongoing coverage here.
State lawmakers are looking to establish an animal abuse database. SB 494 would require the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to post on its website the names of people who have been convicted of ...
Currently, people who are 25 years old or older cannot seek such damages in medical malpractice cases involving deaths of ...
Charlie Kratovil, founder and editor of New Brunswick Today, is at the center of a case that tests a New Jersey law barring ...
The battle continues. In Part One, we examined how six advanced AI reasoning models from OpenAI and Google tackled a real Bar ...
Dennis P. Gagnon, Jr., founded Affordable Home Insurance (AHI) in 2006, one of the leading independent insurance firms in ...