WSDOT's fish passage project along the Washington coast reaches halfway mark, aiming to finish by 2027 with lane closures and traffic signals expected for road users.
Hiding deep in the Allegheny Highlands, nestled in the bottom of a canyon once known as Kincaid Gorge, Lake Moomaw has some ...
Abandoned fishing lines are the focus of a volunteer cleanup effort at Seattle’s Green Lake this weekend. The stray lines are ...
The fish have finally started to separate and focus back into that top 40-foot water column, though, so targeting the schools ...
There may still be piles of snow around the Basin, but one spring milestone is rapidly approaching: the opening of trout season. About two dozen lakes in Eastern Washington will open Saturday for ...
A plan to create artificial reefs in Puget Sound using automotive tires was created by Washington's Department of Natural ...
Neighbors of a controversial homeless village near Spanaway Lake say the development is causing hundreds of fish to die in nearby waterways. State agencies investigating those claims report seeing ...
Our aquatic plant specialist explains the differences between invasive and native milfoils, why native milfoils are important ...
Amber and Medical lakes, along with Coffeepot Lake in Lincoln County, will operate under selective gear rules. Anglers are encouraged to check the Washington Sport Fishing Rules or the Fish ...
This experienced angler recommends fishing the Elochoman River right now, but not the Lewis and Kalama rivers.
Anglers who avoid ice fishing look forward to spring, when their favorite lakes open up and they have a reason to dig out their pontoon boat or float tube.
In addition, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service stocked 45,000 lake trout yearlings ... harbors and frozen rivers from Kenosha to Port Washington depending on conditions. He said a cold front ...