In honor of the iconic film’s 20th anniversary this year, Focus Features is re-releasing PRIDE & PREJUDICE nationwide in a ...
Mention Pride and Prejudice to many people and they’re likely to immediately picture Colin Firth emerging from a lake in the ...
Joe Wright's PRIDE AND PREJUDICE will return to theaters beginning April 20 to celebrate the movie's 20th anniversary.
"This show is so completely wonderful and unadulterated fun that it is difficult to resist doing nothing more than listing ...
Pride and Prejudice' adaptations capture Austen’s romance but lose satire and depth. Gains in visuals and performances keep the classic alive for modern audiences., Features News - Times Now ...
As the Joe Wright-directed Jane Austen adaptation preps for a 20th anniversary re-release, Carey Mulligan tells IndieWire ...
Pride & Prejudice' starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen will be re-released in theaters for its 20th anniversary.
Mention Pride and Prejudice to many people and they’re likely to immediately picture Colin Firth emerging from a lake in the BBC adaptation of the Jane Austen ... Each of the cast plays a ...