He did a crowd-work special that included sections called “Mexican,” “Colombian,” and “Black Women.” His newest special, ...
Like any sane person, I had a fear of heights and said that I’d like to get a groundman’s job, which I was told entailed ...
Spoiler alert. If you don’t want to know the twist at the end of the recent movie Conclave, stop reading. To be honest, it’s ...
where both Elliotts learn that maybe sometimes it’s OK to be a little reckless—and perhaps youth isn’t always wasted on the young. — Joanne Chen Hirayama (Kōji Yakusho) wakes, folds his futon, brushes ...
It was at Action Comics that Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, two second-generation immigrants living in Cleveland, found a home ...
Still, director Richard Donner had to go to lengths to coax Hackman into taking the job (a $2 million paycheck helped), and when the actor refused to shave off his mustache (let alone shave his ...
“For historians violence is a difficult subject,” the historian Richard Hofstadter once wrote ... days amid the sagebrush and greasewood. Without any food or water, they ate their own ...
But the techniques in the FBI’s toolbox didn’t evolve without its growing pains ... the new Gurney’s Inn soon attracted both the famous and infamous. Former Presidents Richard Nixon and Dwight D.