The beneficiaries are any Shorewood Kiwanis project like Christmas in August when elementary school children get to shop for ...
The Tyler school alum, who will have a career retrospective at PAFA, draws inspiration from the resilience and beauty of ...
"Deadly Entanglement," the latest episode of "Dateline," follows the murder of 30-year-old middle school art teacher Desiree ...
Salvador Dali was approached by Chupa Chups company founder Enric Bernat to create a new logo. Getting to work Dali began ...
A project examining the significance of symbolism in Mexican folklore is included in this School Show from students at ...
Hundreds of pieces of artwork students from Lakota schools are on display at Liberty Center over the next month.
Like a platoon of dedicated servicewomen, members of a local high school art club saw what needed to be done and then did it.
The unveiling of a banner reading 'Everyone Is Welcome Here' by students in a southern Idaho school has led to significant ...