Pride & Prejudice' starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen will be re-released in theaters for its 20th anniversary.
Mention Pride and Prejudice to many people and they’re likely to immediately picture Colin Firth emerging from a lake in the ...
Director Michael Morris and writer Helen Fielding open up about injecting grief into the long-running rom-com franchise.
Despite my love for the first two films, Bridget Jones’s Diary and Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, I was left feeling a ...
Coming to Newbury on Tuesday, the fabulous Ockham’s Razor bring their adaption of Hardy’s classic novel Tess of the ...
Focus Features has revealed a new official trailer to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the beloved Jane Austen classic Pride & Prejudice, adapted in 2005 by director Joe Wright and screenwriter ...
March 13 (UPI) --Focus Features announced Thursday that the 2005 adaptation of Pride & Prejudice is returning to theaters this year. Tickets are on sale for the April 20 re-release, with some ...