As the Joe Wright-directed Jane Austen adaptation preps for a 20th anniversary re-release, Carey Mulligan tells IndieWire ...
"This show is so completely wonderful and unadulterated fun that it is difficult to resist doing nothing more than listing ...
Netflix has just added a classic period drama in the shape of the 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice. Following on from the ...
Joe Wright's PRIDE AND PREJUDICE will return to theaters beginning April 20 to celebrate the movie's 20th anniversary.
Jane Austen fans, rejoice — 2005’s “Pride & Prejudice” will be re-released in theaters for its 20th anniversary this year.
“When all Pride and Prejudice, all Interests and Designs, being submitted to the Honour of God, and the Discharge of our Duty,” an anonymous clergyman wrote in 1734, “the Holy Scriptures shall again ...
"You have bewitched me, body and soul." Focus Features has revealed a new official trailer to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the beloved Jane Austen classic Pride & Prejudice, adapted in 2005 by ...
PRIDE heavyweight contender Sergei Kharitonov speaks with the press after his first round TKO over Pedro Rizzo at Pride Critical Countdown 2005. Download this free video to see Sergei talk about ...
The streaming giant recently confirmed that the 2005 adaptation of Pride and Prejudice would be returning to its platform, much to the delight of devoted fans. Netflix made the announcement through a ...
(CNN) — The Hungarian government is clamping down on the country’s annual Budapest Pride parade, which has been running for almost 30 years, saying that it should not “dominate public spaces ...
pay me what you owe me 4:19 p.m. Iggy Azalea Claims That UMG ‘Criminals’ Owe Her Millions of Dollars “Universal music mark my words you ugly bitch - You will pay me what’s owed,” she ...