We might be familiar with shearing the sheep, spinning the wool into yarn, or knitting and weaving, but between shearing and spinning there’s another unfamiliar process you’ll have to go through.
The best wool is sheeps wool from merino sheep. This animal fiber can ... but with the processing improvements in acrylic ...
Cashmere doesn't come from a sheep like you may think ... only makes up 0.5% of the world's total wool production. Once you have the pure cashmere, processing it takes a lot of work.
With approximately 7 million sheep across Ireland and 55,000 sheep farmers ... Balescu, D. (2024). Eco-friendly processing of wool and sustainable valorization of this natural bioresource.
Students observed the inner workings of the mill and learned how wool from local sheep is processed into soft, beautiful, and colorful yarns through the mill’s custom carding and spinning services.