Yet, these grief symbols prove that you can find ... to remember their beloved family members by. In Buddhist culture, white symbolizes rebirth — an important element of its spiritual tenets.
Humans go through an unknown number of cycles of rebirth over many lifetimes. Skilful actions lead to a good rebirth and unskilful actions lead to a bad rebirth. Through doing skilful actions in ...
Vladimir Putin sent congratulations to Head of the Buddhists of the Republic of Tyva Kamby Lama Geshe Gelek Natsyg-Dorju (Saryglar Sergek) and the sangha that he heads on the coming of the White Month ...
Vladimir Putin sent congratulations to Head of Traditional Sangha of Russia Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheyev and the sangha that he leads on the occasion of the White Month of the Lunar New Year.