As Trump reshapes the federal landscape, housing voucher recipients, landlords, and administrators brace for funding cuts and ...
Section 8 voucher holders have received letters to warn them of federal funding being halted and potential rent increases.
Renters with federally funded housing vouchers may soon see increases in their monthly housing costs due to funding cuts.
It's very difficult for young people to be able to afford to live here. For people in understaffed fields ... it's almost ...
As it is now, Fredericks said, there are 7,732 people who have qualified for Section 8 housing and have been awarded housing ...
The Indian River County Housing Choice Voucher program opened for the first time since 2019, and closed the same day due to ...
An L.A. housing agency is pausing new applications for Section 8 vouchers amid budget uncertainty in Washington, a hit to families in need of affordable housing.