Thirty years ago today, 'Eye of the Needle' gave Voyager an impossible scenario, and gave it a perfectly Star Trek solution ... that its impact on their voyage home would be immaterial, and ...
Though not all of the show’s 200-plus episodes were home runs, All in the Family remains one of the most influential and powerful programs of all time. Today, much of the abundance of great ...
Prime Factors' wrote a check that Voyager's episodic nature could rarely cash–but it was still worth writing anyway.
While many science fiction franchises can stake a claim for the best time-travel stories of all time, it’s hard to argue against the huge temporal influence of Star Trek. Yes, various shows and ...
Kirk, it appears that iconic actor William Shatner may return to the Captain’s chair in a Star Trek project one more time. Yes, he died heroically in the film Star Trek: Generations. But when ...
Obviously, this version of Kahless seems horrible to Kirk, because, at this point in time, he considers the Klingons pretty much entirely evil. But, what this new Trek canon suggests is that maybe ...