初春时节,各部队紧贴实战要求,以更严标准、更高要求,扎实开展春季练兵。 演训场上,单兵战术与基础攀登课目轮番上演,硝烟弥漫中激荡铁血豪情;万里长空,战鹰列阵,检验近距空战 ...
VR headsets aren't just for video games. These are the best VR experiences that let you travel to outer space without leaving the comfort of your home. VR headsets aren't just for video games ...
近日,俄罗斯军事专家的发布的长文引发国际军事圈震动。他写道:虽然中国官方尚未公布详细细节,但有一点可以确定,中国可能正在做一件很伟大的,震惊世界的一次阅兵式。虽然该军事 ...
Bitte aktiviere JavaScript in deinem Browser und lade die Seite neu. A new VR multiplayer shooter from the Breachers developers, PSVR 2 game scenes from Hitman VR: World of Assassination, Slender: The ...
从单兵装备上来看,当时世界上最强的国家,无疑还是德国,看起来每个士兵身上穿戴的并不是很多,但其中的学问有不少,特别是对现代陆军建设提供了一个必要的基础,除了简单的军服 ...
But research suggests that a new type of immersive storytelling about nature told through virtual reality (VR) can both build empathy and inspire us to act. I'm crying into a VR headset.
The best VR headsets can be your introduction to a very different and immersive gaming experience, especially if you're checking out the tech for the first time and wondering which is the best ...
I’ve reviewed more than a thousand different consumer electronics products including headphones, speakers, TVs, and every major game system and VR headset of the last decade. I’m an ISF ...
PSVR 2, the Meta Quest 3, or something from HTC Vive? It's a great year to shop around for the best VR headsets. The best VR headsets might be in a golden era right now. Not only do we have some ...