Uncover the mysteries of hummingbirds. How does the white-necked jacobin trick predators through mimicry? Find out now.
Conventional wisdom is that if you cultivate host plants, butterflies will come. Take, for example, milkweed. After declining monarch populations began making headlines in the late 1990s, people ...
In February, during the flowering time of black cumin (Nigella sativa), beekeeper Pavel Hossen set up an apiary on leased ...
If you ever travel back in time to the reign of dinosaurs, don’t touch any flowers – it might just be a parasitic wasp in ...
Presented by Orange County Extension Agent Calvin Gardner. Learn how to cultivate a thriving garden in Florida’s unique climate. Discover how to use University of Florida resources to grow the food ...
The caterpillars of these butterflies develop special glands that secrete a nectar-like substance to attract ants. The ants ...
Here's everything you need to know about the butterflies' path through Texas. The journey north. Monarch butterfl ...
A baby hummingbird might have a special way of warding off predators, which threaten tropical hummingbird species in infancy.
To keep ladybugs in your yard be diligent when cleaning up this year. Don’t just throw the leaves into the compost. Make sure ...
A collective sigh of relief goes out on March days when the sun emerges from its hiding place and the temperature reaches ...
A baby hummingbird hatches. But it has fluffy feathers on its back, looking just like a dangerous caterpillar. Could this be ...
A baby hummingbird hatches. But it has fluffy feathers on its back, looking just like a dangerous caterpillar. Could this be ...