"Friends should understand that we are fighting their war, too," Herzog said – "We expect friends and allies to be there for ...
Data published by the Central Bureau of Statistics shows that each month about 2,200 more Israelis left than last year for ...
"Numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harm to uninvolved civilians, including the use of precise munitions, ...
Condemnation comes after numerous Hezbollah attacks against northern Israel, which have expanded deeper into northern Israel ...
The victim reportedly lost control of their vehicle when the siren sounded, leading to a crash • Three others were wounded in ...
Israeli soldiers issued a 45-day closure to the Qatari news outlet, with a live broadcast showing Ramallah office head Walid ...
After Hezbollah launched heavy barrages at northern Israel, the Israel Defense Forces Home Front Command issued updated ...
S'adressant aux résidents du nord d'Israël déplacés depuis près d'un an, le chef d'état-major a promis que Tsahal faisait ...
ستقوم السلطات الإيطالية بتعزيز الإجراءات الأمنية حول حطام اليخت "بايزيان" الذي غرق في آب/أغسطس الماضي في جنوب البلاد. وقُتل ...
בבי"ח רמב"ם נותרו ארבע מחלקות מעל הקרקע – שמתפקדות במרחבים מוגנים • המרכז הרפואי העמק פינה את הקומות העליונות אל מתחמי אשפוז ...
Les propos élogieux de Trump envers le Qatar pourraient surprendre certains membres de son parti, qui ont adopté une position ...
احصل على آخر الأخبار حول انتقال الإسرائيليين من منازلهم من i24 news. المقالات ومقاطع الفيديو والآراء والمزيد بنقرة زر واحدة > ...