[周刊王CTWANT] 台中市中區昨(22)日晚間9點多發生一起公車撞行人的車禍,2名東海大學女學生走路行經中山路、綠川東街口時,305公車因不明原因直接撞上兩人,其中1人被捲入車輪下傷重不治,東海大學發聲明譴責業者,希望盡快找到肇事原因。
One presidential candidate is talking up gun ownership and promising tough border security measures. The other vows to cap ...
Frustration and anxiety are mounting among San Francisco families, as the school district's superintendent, Matt Wayne, faces ...
The Chiefs had their hands full with Kirk Cousins and the Falcons on Sunday night, but escaped with a win. Here's how it ...
A six-year-old girl who had been missing for three nights in northern B.C., has been found safe, RCMP say.The child was ...
中央氣象署指出,今天(23)白天仍受低壓帶影響,雨勢較昨天有稍緩的跡象,但仍須留意短延時強降雨,西半部、東北部及澎湖、金門、馬祖仍會不定時出現的短暫陣雨跟雷雨,其他地區逐漸恢復到多雲,午後有局部短暫雷陣雨的天氣。氣象署提醒,其中桃園以北、宜花地區有局 ...
Carly Gregg, 15, has been convicted of fatally shooting her mother Ashley Smylie and attempting to kill her stepdad after ...
矽光子概念股成為近期市場焦點,今(23)日截至上午10時30分聯鈞(3450)強漲8%,華星光(4979)也有約5%漲幅。但專家指出,這僅是題材面漲勢,以目前來看,矽光子獲利能力有限,不建議穩健型投資人參與矽光子概念股,若是短線操作,就得憑「藝高人膽 ...
Photos of women in revealing clothes resurfaced online in September alongside claims they showed the vice president.
Andy Dalton quickly rewarded the Panthers for making him the starting QB by leading the team to its first win of the season ...