Researchers emphasize that this fossil confirms that cerapodan dinosaurs underwent diversification well before the Cretaceous ...
Travelers can dig up 66-million-year-old dinosaur fossils in New Jersey or mine for diamonds at an Arizona state park. See more U.S. locations where you can hunt for treasures.
The Mantua site will feature life-size models and guides to help guests identify and search for their own specimens.
The $75-million highly anticipated museum in Mantua Township is a dinosaur lovers paradise. It will come to life later this ...
A team of paleontologists from the Natural History Museum in the U.K., the University of Birmingham, also in the U.K., and ...
Speaking with Travelweek, Founder and Director Zach Vanasse says, “It just made sense to make our first all-women expedition ...
Cerapodans were small, plant-eating dinosaurs that scampered around on two legs. Come the Cretaceous, the fossil record tells ...
Dino Discovery, an exhibition of life-size animatronic dinosaurs, is coming to the Utica Zoo from May 14 to Oct. 19, ...
Sometimes, when we dig in, there's nothing left ... and other scientists in the lab compare these newly found fossils with the other dinosaurs in both the museum's collection and in other ...
Palaeontologists have uncovered the world’s oldest known cerapodan dinosaur at a fossil site in Morocco ... we best get digging. The study is published in the journal Royal Society Open Science.
UTICA, N.Y. -- The Utica Zoo is going Jurassic! This May, the zoo will be bringing new life to the existing animals. The zoo ...