For decades, a large collection of cassette tapes sat untouched in NAU’s archives. A team is now trying to unravel the ...
Movie fans may know James Ivory as the director of such beloved films as “A Room With a View” and “Howards End,” and a 2018 ...
In 2023, after a brief hiatus, tuberculosis regained from COVID its status as the world’s deadliest infectious disease—a ...
An archivist will work in partnership with the Library of Congress, National Archives and other institutions in Washington.
"William was employed by the Summerland Development Company as a surveyor and was instrumental in developing the irrigation ...
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) was created when Congress passed, and President Clinton signed, the Healthcare Research and Quality Act of 1999.
His database will use artificial intelligence to create accurate depictions of New Orleans' past based on newspaper archives, ...
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has released the first book-length history of the Young Women organization.
The vehicles in the Ford Heritage Fleet highlight various achievements that the company has had over the years and will also ...
The West Virginia House of Delegates passed legislation that would bar certain future and reassigned employees from the state’s classified civil service system and strip them of the right to grievance ...
The International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Producers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organizations (Rome, 1961) convened jointly by two UN agencies: ILO and UNESCO, as well as BIRPI ...
There's a "lot more that unites us than divides us," and "one of those things is the United States Postal Service," says Rep.