The study used a quasi-experimental study design to evaluate the effect of a role-play teaching strategy on science students’ interest in the teaching and learning of photosynthesis. The sample ...
ABSTRACT: The paper includes the psychological aspect of the Impact of Parenting style as related to the individual personality of parents and ... and prior consent was taken. The Likert scale is used ...
Objectives: This study presents the German version of the Brief Affective Neuroscience Personality Scales (BANPS), which includes an additional subscale for the dimension LUST. The BANPS represents a ...
The creation of the Storage Scale cluster requires the Storage Scale self-extracting installation package. The developer edition can be downloaded from the Storage ...
(38). This scale assesses the distraction of young people due to social media content, including four dimensions: attention impulsiveness, online vigilance, multitasking and emotion regulation. It ...