The Rings of Power's characters which made Tolkien's LoTR books so beloved are disappointing fans with out-of-canon, flat, ...
The first Half-elf in the lore of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings was Dior, the grandfather of Elrond, and he met a ...
Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings films omitted fascinating book characters like Tom Bombadil, Glorfindel, and Prince ...
Some Lord of the Rings characters had key moments but vanished quickly, like The Mouth of Sauron, Háma, Madril, Grimbold, and Irolas.
The Rings of Power season 3 is in the works, with filming set to start soon as the story nears the halfway point of the Second Age. Prime Video's expansive (and expensive) series will continue to ...
A chief theory is that of Celeborn, an elven lord ... as how The Rings of Power season 3 could see Sauron head back to Numenor in his true form, it stands to reason that Bower's character could ...