From ‘Godfather II’ to ‘Toy Story 3’, Kevin E G Perry highlights a dozen sequels that exceeded the original films ...
I'm still in awe of the way JJ Abrams managed to include Leonard Nimoy's Prime Universe version of Spock in 2009's Star Trek ...
Voyager design was nearly a disaster — until one showrunner stayed up all night to overhaul it into something truly iconic.
The Next Generation producer Rick Berman forbid writers from mentioning this legendary character from The Original Series.
Master Replicas announced a new collection of Star Trek Starships, available in July. Under license from Paramount Consumer ...
But many original Starfleet members are still with us, living long and prospering. Though not always enthused about the ...
Nichols was praised by Civil Rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. for her portrayal of a Black woman in a position of power.
Several television shows have had N*zi references in their narrative, whether it is part of the storyline or made as a passing mention in a dialogue.
Star Trek has always been a franchise built on big ideas. It pushed boundaries from the start and it kept raising the bar with every series and film. But not every bold idea made it to the screen.
Movie collection is currently up for pre-order on Amazon and at Walmart for $61.99, a nice price for 10 whole movies.
Lower Decks will also receive a standard edition Complete Series box set on April 15, but it's priced at $58, too. If you're ...
The Lorelei Signal, owing a lot to the Sirens of mythology, is a critical example of women taking the initiative and taking ...