The black and white images of "To Kill a Mockingbird" are seared onto my brain. Just the film's monochrome snapshots of young ...
The fictional town in "To Kill a Mockingbird" was based on Monroeville, Ala., but the 1962 movie was not filmed in Monroeville.
“More than 60 years ago, Harper Lee’s book To Kill a Mockingbird was adapted into one of the great movies of all time,” she continued. “I have a vivid memory of watching it in my living ...
Lee, who died in 2016 at age 89, published no new, full-length books after “To Kill a Mockingbird.” In 2015, she approved the release of “Go Set a Watchman,” an early draft of ...
After Lee's death in 2016, typescripts of her early fiction were discovered in her New York apartment. The previously unseen drafts offer new insights into her creative development ...
To Kill a Mockingbird ... point of his most famous book, In Cold Blood. Scout, Dill and the others were all outsiders in some sense, a plight at the core of Mockingbird and its lessons.