По време на 12-те степени на менюто на гостите се предлага несравнимо забавление, което включва очила за виртуална реалност, музика и ...
Експеримент с виртуална реалност показа, че страхът, болката и очакванията, базирани на предишен опит, могат да отслабят влиянието на ума върху тялото. Проучване, проведено в университета в ...
Samsung Electronics се готви да представи смарт-очилата HAEAN, които ще се различават от традиционните VR аналози с техния лек и удобен външен вид, подобен на обикновените очила. Устройството ще ...
Създадена е иновативна учебна среда с 3D принтери, интерактивни дисплеи, 3D очила за виртуална реалност, режещ плотер, нови ...
What is the best VR headset? That depends on what you’re hoping to do with your headset, whether it’s mostly watch video, play tethered to your PC or play free-roaming games while stood up.
Here are the best VR headsets on the market covering a range of budgets and needs including models from HTC Vive, Meta and PlayStation. We've rounded up the best VR headsets on the market as you ...
We've counted down the best VR space games on the market as of 2025. While the best VR space experiences are a fantastic way to blast off into the unknown and explore all sorts of strange worlds ...
What are the best VR games? When it comes to VR games, we’re entering a golden era, kickstarted by the release of the Meta Quest 3. That being said, if you have any major VR gaming headset ...
But research suggests that a new type of immersive storytelling about nature told through virtual reality (VR) can both build empathy and inspire us to act. I'm crying into a VR headset.
The best VR headsets can be your introduction to a very different and immersive gaming experience, especially if you're checking out the tech for the first time and wondering which is the best ...
PSVR 2, the Meta Quest 3, or something from HTC Vive? It's a great year to shop around for the best VR headsets. The best VR headsets might be in a golden era right now. Not only do we have some ...