Digital innovations in online education have made classrooms more accessible for students with hearing or visual impairments.
A Better Paradise explores themes of AI and virtual reality—subjects gaming has tackled ... A Better Paradise is a fairly serious science fiction story—although with plenty of bursts of ...
These displays range from basic player information and “expected” shooting percentages for each shot to an overlaid diagram of the ... It’s all possible. Virtual reality will eventually ...
We usually don't think much about it, but our brain is pretty amazing! This three-pound organ is in charge of everything ...
L et's be honest: the best action movies are often better—or at least more entertaining—than the best movies from any other ...
Virtual reality (VR) might be able to provide cancer patients significant pain relief, a new study says. A small group of ...
A group of media psychologists at the University of Cologne, led by Professor Dr. Kai Kaspar has examined the effects of ...
Nature documentaries presented as 360 virtual reality videos have a stronger positive effect than other forms of media, including an indirect effect on donation intentions.
Researchers published their results in Frontiers in Psychology. "Using the full-body illusion in virtual reality—where people ...
Researchers used a virtual reality game and functional MRI to uncover how children's brains with ADHD respond differently during active tasks.
Virtual reality could get more realistic thanks to scientists inventing an artificial tongue that can taste flavours, such as sourness and umami ...
By squirting chemicals onto a person’s tongue to taste, a new device aims to replicate food flavors for fuller virtual experiences.