Heavy rains in the Argentine port city of Bahia Blanca, southwest of the capital Buenos Aires, left at least 10 dead and ...
Torrential rain has forced more than 1,200 residents to leave their homes.
The devastation in Bahía Blanca should serve to sweep away any illusion that state responsibilities can be abdicated in the ...
A catastrophic storm battered the Argentine port city of Bahia Blanca on Friday (March 7), claiming at least 16 lives and ...
In addition to prayers, the Church in Argentina has sent material aid to Bahía Blanca, which suffered severe flooding March 7 ...
Flooding in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, has resulted in at least 16 deaths with rescue teams searching for missing people. Over ...
Locals have been shaken by the uncertain fate of two little girls – aged one and five – who appear to have been swept away in ...
Argentina’s port city of Bahia Blanca has been “destroyed” after being pummelled by a year’s worth of rain in a matter of ...
More than 10 people died, and thousands evacuated from the city of Bahia Blanca in Argentina as eight hours of non-stop rain ...
There are likely to be more,' mayor warns as Argentina's worst flooding in years leaves death, destruction, mourning ...