Designer Tarun Tahiliani shared the details of Ambani’s stunning Jamewar saree on his official Instagram. The couture saree, crafted over 1,900 hours, beautifully showcased Indian craftsmanship, ...
Nita Ambani, the founder and chairperson of Reliance Foundation, made a stunning statement at a special dinner hosted in ...
Cairns residents will avoid a costly hike to their rates after the federal government poured in additional funds toward a critical infrastructure project.
The Ambanis are among the richest in the world. Nita Ambani is known to have some of the most expensive jewellery pieces. But did you know that she gifted a neckpiece worth Rs 451 cr to ...
The saree, crafted over 1,900 meticulous hours, features intricate aari work and delicate French knots, creating a stunning ...
The Ambanis need no introduction, and neither do their daughters-in-law. Shloka Mehta and Radhika Merchant have garnered ...
Nita Ambani captivated attendees in a stunning jamewar saree at a dinner for President Elect Donald Trump, showcasing ...