While China has been trying to expand its influence in Panama for years, as part of its broader ambition to increase its footprint in Latin America, the Asian country recently faced a major setback as ...
Controversial state-owned company China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) is set to build the bridge over the Corentyne River, a $236 million project that will connect Guyana and Suriname, sparking ...
The China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), accused of corruption, bribery, falsification of documents, and labor violations in projects worldwide, is set to build the Man River (río ...
La empresa China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC), señalada por corrupción, sobornos, falsificación de documentos y violaciones laborales en al menos 10 países, construirá la represa ...
In November 2024, the relationship between Peru and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) took a decisive turn with the inauguration of the Chancay Multipurpose Port Terminal. This ambitious project, ...
In November 2024, the relationship between Peru and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) took a decisive turn with the inauguration of the Chancay Multipurpose Port Terminal. This ambitious project, ...
Em novembro de 2024, o relacionamento entre o Peru e a República Popular da China (RPC) deu uma guinada decisiva com a inauguração do Terminal Portuário Multipropósito de Chancay. Esse ambicioso ...
Tras meses de represión que se intensificó a raíz de lo que la comunidad internacional describió como elecciones robadas, el venezolano Nicolás Maduro inició el nuevo año y su nuevo reinado ...
En noviembre de 2024, la relación entre Perú y la República Popular de China (RPC) dio un giro decisivo con la inauguración de la Terminal Portuaria Multipropósito de Chancay. Este ambicioso proyecto, ...
Após meses de repressão que se intensificou na sequência do que a comunidade internacional descreveu como eleições roubadas, o venezuelano Nicolás Maduro deu início ao novo ano e ao seu novo reinado ...
The year 2024 marked a turning point in the relations between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and Peru. While at the global level countries such as those of the European Union, Canada, and the ...