This policy tells you (i) the rules that apply to your access and use of the Bugle website; (ii) the types of information that may be collected when you visit the Bugle website; and (iii) how that ...
Our November Art Loft exhibit features contrasting work from well known local artists Don Biehn and James Wrayge. Open for viewing during store hours Mon-Sat 10-6 and Sunday 10-5. Opening Reception ...
Here are our Bugle deadlines for the next three issues. As always, we appreciate when writers and readers submit their articles early. Please note our publication dates represent when the newspapers ...
Click the links below to find out more about other organizations and services in the Bugle distribution area. Don’t see a link to your favorite organization? Send it to [email protected].
The Como auditorium was filled for an assembly during the school day on Monday, Feb. 10 to celebrate National African American Parent Involvement Day (NAAPID). The annual student-led event showcased ...
One bright summer day in the early ‘oughts, I cut up my leg with a chain saw in my backyard. I’ll spare you the details, except to say that my next-door neighbor saved my leg and quite possibly my ...
Warm laughter filled a cozy hall at Falcon Heights Church on a February afternoon despite the chilly temperature outside. Members of the Highland Friendship Club had gathered for their weekly arts and ...
The Minnesota Newspaper Association recently named the Park Bugle as the recipient of 14 awards in the trade group’s 2023-24 Better Newspaper Contest. For the Bugle’s small band of freelancers and ...
Prompted by its State Fair Task Force, the city of Falcon Heights appears ready to make a deal with a national parking-fee company to charge for on-street parking near the Fairgrounds during the Fair.
At the St. Anthony Park Library, a book club meets to discuss books related to climate change and social justice while also building community. Pat Thompson, a member of the Changing Times Book Group, ...
Familiar favorites are on the March calendar at the St. Anthony Park Library, 2245 Como Ave. Unless specified, registration is not necessary. 10:15 to 10:45 a.m. or 11:15 to 11:45 a.m. on Tuesdays, ...
The 25th annual Celebration of Community Juried Art Show continues through March 21 in the lower level at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 2136 Carter Ave. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., ...