In the upcoming season of Netflix's "The Night Agent," Peter Sutherland is jumping into action and is headed to his first ...
In Season 1, the corruption went all the way to the White House. How does the show raise the stakes in Season 2? Think ...
Larkin is a former Silicon Valley cybersecurity CEO, the niece of two Night Action agents, and most importantly, Sutherland’s ...
Agent is one of Netflix’s biggest original shows in the streamer’s history, and season 2 of the action thriller is finally ...
Sutherland is now a full Night Action agent, though he’s still green as far as his superiors are concerned. When an operation in Bangkok goes bad, he doesn’t know who he can trust—other than Rose ...
Season two of "The Night Agent" releases on Netflix on Thursday. Here a recap of season one.
Agent Peter Sutherland (Gabriel Basso) is back in Season 2 of "The Night Agent," a solid spy thriller that feels like a warm blanket on a cold night.
Showrunner Shawn Ryan tells TheWrap that Peter’s relationship with his dad is the “core emotional anchor” of the series and mirrors his own ...
From Catherine to Alice to Abbas and Noor, find out who's who in the new season of Netflix mega-hit The Night Agent.
Netflix fans are urging others to binge a huge thriller as soon as they can, as season two hast just landed on the streaming ...
I binged 'The Night Agent' season two and it’s so good, but I have a bone to pick with Peter Sutherland. Keep reading for my ...
Gabriel Basso looks for fights both on the "The Night Agent" set and the kickboxing arena no matter what it does to his face. "I have other skills." ...